Project anonymiser

Project anonymiser

The Project level anonymiser uses a scripting syntax called DicomEdit to modify, reassign or blank DICOM tags. You can actually use this to create automated workflow for renaming DICOM metadata on datasets

version "6.1"
project != "Unassigned" ? (0008,1030) := project
(0010,0010) := subject
(0010,0020) := session

The example in this screenshot basically replicates the behaviour in the HIRF onsite anonymiser for remapping the ReferringPhysicianName, PatientName and PatientID

You can use DICOMedit to enforce a particular naming and tagging scheme across your entire project this way.

Anonymising existing sesssions

The Project level anonymiser works best for new sessions, as it runs when the dataset is being ingested into the XNAT archive, or when sessions are renamed. By default, it does not anonymise sessions that are sitting in the archive already.

If you need to trigger your anonymisation on an existing session

  • Edit a session name. Modify
  • Then edit it back to its original name

This will trigger the anonymisation script.